(02) 9740 6710

RF Needling


Radio Frequency Needling in Sydney

Radio Fractional RF Needling, short for Radio Frequency Needling, is a major advancement on microneedling. Like microneedling, it treats ageing and textural concerns, but it can treat deeper scarring, some skin sagging and more stubborn textural concerns because it can safely reach deeper layers of the skin. Essentially, microneedling treats the surface layer of the skin for fine lines and mild scarring but in our clinic, RF Needling in Sydney has become more favourable because it treats both the surface and the deeper layers of the skin for deeper acne scarring, stubborn textural concerns, ageing, and to promote collagen in the foundations of the skin for youthful strength, elasticity and lift.

How does RF Needling work?

RF Skin Micro Needling in Sydney comes with a hand-held device with micro needles that create tiny punctures into the deeper layers of the skin that create a wound response in the tissue and as part of that healing response your skin cells and collagen fibres regenerate themselves.


  • Tighten the skin
  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance skin elasticity and thinning skin.
  • Smoother, firmer skin.
  • More even skin tone with decreased hyperpigmentation.
  • Brighter, more youthful-looking skin.
  • Smaller, tighter pores.
  • Reduced visibility of acne scarring and other scars.
  • Improved skin texture.

Is this safe?

RF microneedling provides a safe and effective procedure that allows them to quickly return to their regular, day-to-day routine. It is not suitable for people who have open wounds, skin infections, or a history of keloid scar formation. Pregnant women should wait until after they deliver to undergo RF and microneedling.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend three to six sessions, depending on the skin conditions you want to treat. RF microneedling is safe to have every four to six weeks.

Pre treatment 

You must prepare your skin with prescribed skincare for two weeks prior to your session to ensure all your cells are strengthened and prepared for your treatment.  Preparing the treatment area is essential to its success and helps minimise your healing time. Following our expert advice on pre and post care plus maintenance, contributes to 70% of your treatment’s success.

  • You must apply a SPF 50+ containing zinc for two to four weeks prior to the treatment date.
  • Use corrective prescribed skincare by your therapist for 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for two to four weeks prior to treatment.
  • No spray tans
  • Avoid UV/heat-based treatments (sauna/tanning bed) for two weeks prior.
  • Arrive to your appointment with cleansed skin and no lotions.
  • Be sure to notify your therapist if you’re on any medication – this includes contraception and vitamins.
  • Do not use serums/lotions with active ingredients one week prior to your treatment.
  • Do not use filler four weeks prior to treatment.
  • Do not use Botox two weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoid facial waxing or laser hair removal for two weeks prior to being treated.
  • If you’re prone to herpes simplex, you must use Zovirax for five days before and after intensive treatment.
  • If you have an autoimmune disease, you must be on oral antibiotics during the healing period.
  • Apply sunscreen every morning and reapply after four hours if you’re in water or direct sunlight. Ensure your sunscreen SPF is 50+ UVA and UVB.

Post Treatment

  • Limited activity to reduce excessive perspiration is advised as well as no hot tubs, steam, sauna, or excessively hot shower use for 24-48 hours.
  • Cool compresses may be used for comfort and the treated area should be cared for delicately for at least 12-24 hours.
  • Mineral makeup may be worn after 48 hours.
  • No use of exfoliants, AHA or BHA and Retinol or Retin-A (Vitamin A) containing products (these are commonly exfoliating cleansers, toners, scrubs, serums, or masks) for 7-14 days post treatment. 
  • The use of the  Aftercare kit is required for optimal healing, this will be applied immediately after the treatment and you ma re apply every 2-3 hours or as needed. Continue daily use for up to 14 days. Alternatively, Mild gentle cleansers, hyaluronic acid/hydrating or healing serums, moisturizer and SPF can be used daily 
  • Patients who may be prone to sensitivity, hayfever or allergies are encouraged to continue use of the YL Aftercare for up to 4 weeks until the skin returns to normal.
  • The use of SPF 30 or above applied daily is mandatory post treatment for 4 weeks. Reapplication is advised after 4-5 hours. The controlled damage in the epidermal layer reduces the skin’s natural defense mechanisms and may cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and as a result, the treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change.  Long Term commitment to sun safe practices and daily SPF 30 or above use is highly recommended for long term skin health and result maintenance.
  • Antihistamines and Anti Inflammatory may be used to assist in reducing and managing swelling, urticaria or itching post treatment.
  • Mild Exfoliation is suggested 7-14 days post treatment as advised by your practitioner to assist with the removal of micro crusting, exfoliation is to be gentle and not vigorous.
  • Erythema (redness) and sensitivity in the area of treatment is expected to be strongly visible for several hours to several days and decreases with time, some mild pinkness can be visible for some patients for several weeks.
  • Oedema (swelling) of the skin in the treated area is expected. Severity of swelling will vary from patient to patient and can range from minimal to severe. Those prone  asthma, allergies, increased sensitivities or taking certain medications may be more likely to experience significant swelling post treatment. Swelling is temporary and will subside within 1-7days.
  • Urticaria (itching) or hive-like appearance is also associated with the thermal energy affecting the surrounding skin. Antihistamines daily are recommended to manage.
  • Micro crusting, gridding or stamping will appear and can last days to several weeks according to the areas treated. This will initially look like little dots (sometimes brown or black) on the skin or have the texture of sandpaper. Slower shedding of micro crusts, gridding or sandpaper texture is noted in areas around the eyes, neck and decolletage but will subside with time.
  • Purpura (bruising) is seen when a blood vessel bursts which can occur but is usually rare.
  • Skin breakouts and purging of underlying congestion is common in those with oily or acne-prone skin. This does not require further treatment and will normalize 7-14 days post treatment.
  • A blister can form up to 48 hours after treatment. An antibiotic cream or ointment can be used.  Other short term effects include bruising, superficial crusting, and discomfort.
  • Hyperpigmentation (browning) and hypopigmentation (lightening) have not been noted with the treatment however this is always a possibility with any energy-based treatment. Hyperpigmentation can be minimised by correct pre-treatment preparation and strict aftercare adherence. This is more common in certain skin types and in Fitzpatrick skin types IV-V is almost certain to occur after energy based treatments. This is temporary and improved with correct aftercare.
  • Infection is not usual after treatment, however, herpes simplex virus infections around the mouth can occur following treatments. This applies to both individuals with a past history of the virus or individuals

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