(02) 9740 6710

Keralase™ Hair Loss Treatment Plan


This cutting edge new laser hair restoration procedure harnesses the power of thermal energy to naturally rejuvenate hair follicles, stopping hair loss and re-growing thicker, fuller, stronger hair.

Keralase™ can help individuals who have hair loss or thinning of the hair due to hormonal, environmental, or physiological factors, like stress. This treatment also can be used if you are preparing for a hair transplant or undergoing hair loss treatments like Rogaine, Propecia, PRP, or Laser Therapy.

6 treatments included in treatment


About Keralase™ Hair Loss

This cutting edge new laser hair restoration procedure harnesses the power of thermal energy to naturally rejuvenate hair follicles, stopping hair loss and re-growing thicker, fuller, stronger hair.

Keralase™ can help individuals who have hair loss or thinning of the hair due to hormonal, environmental, or physiological factors, like stress. This treatment also can be used if you are preparing for a hair transplant or undergoing hair loss treatments like Rogaine, Propecia, PRP, or Laser Therapy.

How does Keralase™  work?

LaseMD laser hair loss treatment uses a non-ablative fractional thulium laser to create “microchannels” that penetrate deep into the scalp. A proprietary KeraLase KeraFactor® serum is then massaged into the scalp, which is absorbed into the micro-channels and delivered to damaged or dormant hair follicles.

The KeraLase serum contains “bio-identical” synthetic versions of the body’s growth factors and proteins which are needed to regrow hair. The growth factors and proteins rejuvenate damaged hair follicles and stimulate increased blood supply to the dormant hair follicles. This triggers natural hair regrowth, in addition to increasing the thickness of the individual hair shafts being produced.

Unlike other hair loss treatments that sit on top of the scalp, the KeraFactor serum travels down the laser-created channels to reach the root.  And, unlike other hair restoration products that only are effective during the hair follicles growth phase, KeraFactor affects all 4 stages of the hair life cycle – so it begins working to regenerate the hair follicle immediately.

Results may vary from person to person. However according to studies it has shown about 38% increase in hair growth and above 75% increase in hair diameter. For effective results the treatment is performed as a series of 6 treatments done every 4 weeks


  • 38% increase in hair growth and above 75% increase in hair diameter.
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Improvement in scalp health

Is this safe?

Yes its 100% safe.

How many treatments will I need?

This quick, comfortable hair loss treatment is typically recommended to be performed once every 4 weeks, for a total of 6 treatments. By the time the course of treatment is completed in 6 months, most client should see a marked improvement in hair thickness and fullness.

Pre treatment 

  • Wash hair the night before the treatment. Hair must be clean and free of hair products.
  • Remain out of the sun or use sun protection (SPF or hat) for a week before and after each treatment.
  • After the treatment you may notice hairs in the telogen phase (resting phase) may be shed by any slight trauma due to laser or micro needling.
  • Once the hair and scalp dry naturally patient can resume normal activities including washing drying and/or hair products

Post Treatment

  • Can return to work immediately following the treatment.
  • Wear a hat and resume normal activities.
  • Hair must be shampooed without conditioner and extremely dry prior to treatment otherwise the laser will be absorbed, not by the skin as much as the hair shaft which can cause breakage and temporary thinning of the hair.
  • Can expect slight redness in the treated areas as well as tingle sensations which may last for a short while.
  • There may be slight swelling and light flaking of skin for a couple days.
  • There can be a temporary shedding of some hair and this resolves spontaneously.

Additional information


6 Session, 1 Session


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Keralase™ Hair Loss Treatment Plan
