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Veins showing through skin is a common skin concern faced by many individuals these veins are usually harmless and don’t affect blood circulation or health.


About Vein Removal

Veins showing through skin is a common skin concern faced by many individuals these veins are usually harmless and don’t affect blood circulation or health.

The most common causes include:

  • Genetics and
  • lifestyle factors
  • Ageing
  • Weight gain/loss

Spider veins are common on your legs and ankles and other parts of body whereas capillaries are most common on the face particularly around the nose and cheek area.

How does Vein Removal work?

Laser therapy provides a fast and effective way to reduce and remove superficial vascular lesions and diffuse redness. The laser penetrates to the depth of the target blood vessel, whilst the laser’s energy selectively destroys the blood cells within the blood vessel with no damage to the surrounding tissue. This allows for selective destruction of superficial vascular lesions with minimal downtime. Treated vessels are discarded by the body’s natural lymphatic system.

The laser uses concentrated beams of light to penetrate the dermis to eliminate abnormal blood vessels without damaging adjacent tissue.


  • Facial Capillary Reduction
  • Spider Vein reduction
  • Flushes Redness
  • Improves rosasea
  • Reduces appearance of superficial vascular lesions
  • Minimal downtime

Is this safe?

Whether you’re hoping to schedule an appointment for spider vein reduction, flushing or facial capillary reduction, understanding what results the treatment can provide will help you make the right choice. These fast, effective, and non-invasive methods are ideal for several conditions such as spider veins, redness, mild rosacea and broken capillaries. They can also firm and tighten the skin due to the stimulation of new collagen production.

How many treatments will I need?

If you opt for laser vein removal, the number of treatments required will vary depending on the capillaries’ size and location. On average, the best results are seen with 6 or more treatments, spaced one month to six weeks apart. Patients with facial redness who undergo facial capillary reduction typically notice effects within two to three treatments.

After the initial set, you may need maintenance treatments to prevent the veins from reappearing.

Pre treatment 

  • Discontinue medications or supplements that may thin your blood one week prior to vein treatments to minimize bruising and improve the success of your treatment. This includes fish oil, flax seed oil, Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, anti- inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve), and red wine.
  • Please reveal any medical conditions that may be of significance to the laser procedure—such as pregnancy, cold sore and fever blister tendencies, any type of allergy, recent facial peels or surgery, and all current medications (including both prescriptions and over-the-counter products) such as Accutane, tetracycline, hormone replacement therapy, or use of Retin-A.
  • Do not use self-tanning lotions or tanning booths two weeks prior to your laser treatment. Do not sunbathe two weeks prior to your appointment. Any patient arriving with a tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.
  • If having laser vein removal treatment of the legs, for a more comfortable treatment, please shave the area and do not apply lotion to legs on the day of the appointment. For facial vein treatment, please shave any facial hair just prior to your appointment.

Post Treatment

  • Please be advised that you may expect a certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after treatment. If any discomfort or irritation persists, please notify the clinic.
  • It is helpful to elevate your legs for the first 48 hours. We also recommend wearing support hose for at least 72 hours after leg vein treatments.
  • After your treatment, it is not uncommon for the treated veins to remain visible for 3 to 6 weeks before dissipating. This is due to residual clotted blood in the vessel.
  • In some cases, the treated skin may blister. Do not scratch or open the blister—this could cause permanent scarring and/or infection. Keep the areas clean and apply an antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin. Treated correctly, the blister will heal without scarring.
  • A red scab may form under the skin. It may appear for a few weeks and then will be reabsorbed by the body. This is supposed to happen and is a sign of successful treatment.
  • You can expect treated areas to remain somewhat red and swollen for the first 24 to 48 hours. In some cases, this may last up to 1 week.
  • Brown spots or hemosiderin staining is caused by a release of iron from the re-absorption of veins and can remain for up to 6 months.
  • It is possible to have tenderness from the treatment of larger veins for several days post-treatment. Tylenol and/or arnica are recommended for any discomfort.
  • For best results, do not engage in vigorous aerobic activity such as running, hiking, or aerobic exercise for approximately 72 hours post-treatment.
  • It is advised to remain out of the sun for one week. It is recommended that you use a medical-grade sunblock for any sun exposure.
  • The skin of the treated areas may tend to itch. This is a sign of healing. Keep areas hydrated with moisturizer and apply hydrocortisone cream to itchy areas 3-4 times daily until itchiness subsides.
  • Bruising is another common side effect of laser treatment. Bruising is temporary and will dissipate within a matter of days or weeks depending on your individual healing process. Arnica is recommended if you have a tendency to bruise. Arnica helps reduce bruising and eases the soreness of bruising.


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