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Open Pores

Large, open pores can disrupt the smoothness of your skin, but our tailored treatments work to minimise their appearance. We focus on refining and smoothing your skin's texture, leaving you with a polished, more even complexion. Our expert care ensures that your skin looks and feels its best.



Open pores are enlarged skin openings, particularly noticeable on the face, where hair follicles are located. These pores can appear more prominent due to excess oil production, aging, or certain skin care practices. While pores are essential for releasing natural oils (sebum) to keep the skin moisturised, overly large pores can lead to a rough, uneven texture and make the skin appear less smooth. Open pores are most commonly found on the nose, cheeks, and forehead and can be a cosmetic concern for many individuals.


The main symptoms associated with open pores include: Visible Enlarged Pores: The most obvious symptom is the appearance of large, noticeable pores on the skin, particularly in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) area. Rough Skin Texture: Open pores can contribute to a rough or uneven skin texture, making the skin feel less smooth to the touch. Increased Oiliness: Enlarged pores are often associated with oily skin, as they tend to produce more sebum, leading to a shiny complexion. Prone to Blackheads and Acne: Open pores can easily become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and debris, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne breakouts.


Several factors contribute to the development of open pores, including: Excess Oil Production: When the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, it can cause the pores to expand to accommodate the excess sebum, leading to enlarged pores. Aging: As the skin ages, it loses elasticity and collagen, which can cause pores to become more noticeable and appear larger. Genetics: Your genetic makeup can determine your skin type and pore size, meaning if your parents have large pores, you may be more likely to have them as well. Sun Damage: Prolonged exposure to the sun can damage the skin’s collagen and elastin, leading to a loss of firmness and making pores appear larger. Improper Skincare Routine: Using heavy or comedogenic skincare products can clog pores, causing them to stretch and appear larger. Additionally, inadequate cleansing can lead to buildup in the pores, exacerbating their size. Understanding the causes of open pores is key to managing their appearance and maintaining a smoother, more even skin texture through proper skincare and targeted treatments.

Open pores




Prior to any skin treatment, it's essential to understand your skin's unique needs and challenges. Our comprehensive skin consultation featuring the Observ 520 skin analysis, a vital step in achieving your skincare goals.


With the Observ 520 skin analysis, we provide an in-depth assessment of your skin's condition, analysing various factors such as pigmentation, hydration levels, and sun damage. This advanced technology allows us to identify underlying issues that may affect treatment outcomes and tailor a personalised skincare plan to address your specific concerns. By gaining insights into your skin's health and characteristics, we can ensure that every treatment is precisely tailored to deliver optimal results.


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